Established by Bengt Sjöberg 2016
Photo: Ingegerd Thornadtsson
Annual reports
Annual report 2022
Director´s Report - excerpt
During the year, the foundation consisted of the board, the investment board and the scientific board.
136 project proposals were received this year, of which 21 were selected for full applications. Of these, 15 were selected for project grants
totalling SEK 55,450,000. Details can be found under the tab "Grants".
Like the previous year, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences nominated recipients of the Sjöberg Prize. Details can be found in the tab "The Sjöberg prize".
The management income for the year amounts to SEK 117,001,769. The foundation's assets at the end of the year amounted to SEK 3,252,832,446.
During the year, the Board has consisted of Ingemar Sjöberg, Chair., Sofia Holmström, Secr., Michelle Sjöberg, Michael Sjöberg and Ola Johannesson.
During the year, the foundation held five minuted board meetings.
The foundation has not had any employed staff.
Annual report 2021
During the year, the foundation consisted of the board, the investment board and the scientific board.
During the year, the foundation consisted of the board, the investment board and the scientific board.
144 project proposals were received this year, of which 27 were selected for full applications. Of these, 14 were selected for project grants totalling SEK 56,100,000. Details can be found under the tab "Grants".
For the network project, Partnership for Precision Medicine in Cancer, the necessary ethical permits have been obtained and sample collection established. Patient summaries have been developed for the 8 planned cancer diagnoses.
Like the previous years, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences nominated recipients of the Sjöberg Prize. Details can be found in the tab "The Sjöberg prize".
The management income for the year amounts to SEK 119,723,333. The foundation's assets at the end of the year amounted to SEK 3,794,450,360.
During the year, the Board has consisted of Ingemar Sjöberg, Chair., Sofia Holmström, Secr., Michelle Sjöberg, Michael Sjöberg and Ola Johannesson.
During the year, the foundation held six minuted meetings.
The foundation has not had any employed staff.
Annual report 2020
Director´s Report - excerpt
During the year, the foundation consisted of the board, the investment board and the scientific board.
During the year, an IT system was introduced for handling applications. By abolishing the restrictions on the education institutions, as many as 140 project proposals were received this year, of which 26 were selected for full applications. Of these, 14 were selected for project grants totalling SEK 50,600,000. Details can be found under the tab "Grants".
The network project, Partnership for Precision Medicine in Cancer, has been delayed in terms of sample collection pending the receipt of ethical permits, while patient summaries have been developed as planned.
Like the previous year, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences nominated recipients of the Sjöberg Prize. Details can be found in the tab "The Sjöberg prize".
The management income for the year amounts to SEK 42,592,757. The foundation's assets at the end of the year amounted to SEK 2,917,526,429.
During the year, the Board has consisted of Ingemar Sjöberg, Chair., Sofia Holmström, Secr., Michelle Sjöberg, Michael Sjöberg and Ola Johannesson.
During the year, the foundation held six minuted meetings.
The foundation has not had any employed staff.
Annual report 2019
Director´s Report - excerpt
During the year, the foundation consisted of the board, the investment board and the scientific board. The latter were introduced in 2018.
As in the previous year, about 60 project proposals were received from the medical faculties, of which 22 were selected for complete applications.
Of these, 10 were designated for project grants totaling SEK 45,600,000. Details can be found in the "Grants" tab.
The network project, Partnership for Precision Medicine in Cancer, has been developed according to plans.
Like the previous year, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences nominated recipients of the Sjöberg Prize. Details can be found in the tab "The Sjöberg prize".
The management income for the year amounts to SEK 86,706,120. The foundation's assets at the end of the year amounted to SEK 2,795,485,143.
During the year, the Board has remained unchanged and consisted of Ingemar Sjöberg, Chairman, Joachim Sjöberg, Michelle Sjöberg, Göran K. Hansson, Sofia Holmström, Ola Johannesson, Secretary. and Bengt Westermark.
During the year, the foundation held six minuted meetings.
The foundation has not had any employed staff.
Annual report 2018
Director´s Report - excerpt
At the beginning of the year, the foundation was supplemented by an investment board and a scientific board.
The Investment Board has the task of periodically reviewing the Foundation's investments and proposing changes, as well as continuously acting as advisory board for the Foundation's operationally responsible financial manager, Ola Johannesson. In the past year, the risk level has decreased due to the divestment of parts of the holdings in H&M and Volvo, which were obtained at the foundation's formation.
During the year, the Scientific Board consisted of eight cancer researchers representing different specialties, with the task of:
evaluate grant applications and, if necessary, appoint external experts and
propose to the Board of Directors on research projects to evaluate and distribute funding for individual projects.
During the year, some 60 project proposals were received from the medical faculties. Of these, 20 were selected for full grant applications, of which 11 after evaluation, grants totaling SEK 50.2 million were awarded. Details can be found in the tab "Grants".
The 2017 network project, Partnership for Precision Medicine in Cancer, started during the year, mainly developed according to plans.
The Royal Academy of Sciences, like last year, appointed award winners who were awarded the Sjöberg Prize. Details can be found in the tab "The Sjöberg Prize".
The profit for the year amounted to SEK 72,088,958. The foundation's wealth at year-end amounted to SEK 2,249,200,933.
The Board has remained unchanged during the year and consisted of Ingemar Sjöberg, Chairman, Joachim Sjöberg, Michelle Sjöberg, Göran K. Hansson, Sofia Holmström, Ola Johannesson, sec. and Bengt Westermark.
During the year, the Board held seven recorded meetings in addition to informal contacts. The foundation has not had any staff.
Annual report 2017
Director´s report - excerpts
During the year, the Board developed routines for processing grant applications and initiated the network project decided in 2016 for cooperation between cancer research institutions focused on precision diagnostics. As part of this work is the development of routines for patient reviews for initially lung cancer patients. Patient reviews should provide support in patient care but also be the basis for unidentified research information.
In addition to contributions to the network project, grant applications have been processed and grants have been awarded to five research projects in lung cancer for the years 2018 - 2020. The applications have been evaluated by a Nordic Scientific Board.
The Royal Academy of Sciences appointed lauretes and awarded the International Sjöberg Prize, which is funded by The Sjöberg Foundation. Details are shown in the "The Sjöberg prize" tab.
The management income for the year amounts to SEK 71 405 439. The foundation's assets at the end of the year amounted to SEK 2,518,867,442.
The donor Bengt Sjöberg passed away on January 17, 2017, and was succeeded as chairman by Ingemar Sjöberg. As new members of the board, Bengt Westermark and Sofia Holmström was elected in February. Annika Espander resigned from the board in May 2017.
The Board of Directors consisted of Ingemar Sjöberg, Chairman, Joachim Sjöberg, Michelle Sjöberg, Göran K. Hansson, Sofia Holmström, Ola Johannesson, Sec. and Bengt Westermark.
During the year, eight protokolled Board meetings were held except informal contacts. The foundation has not had any staff.
Annual Report 2016
Director´s report - excerpts
During the year, the Board has worked to build contacts with the research community and lay the direction for the coming years. Based on advice from leading cancer scientists, the Board has worked with guidelines for establishing a network between cancer research institutions focused on precision diagnosis in initially the lung cancer area and supporting patient data registers for care and research.
During the year an agreement has been concluded with the Royal Academy of Sciences to designate laureates and to award the international Sjöberg Prize, which is funded by The Sjöberg Foundation.
The management result for the year amounts to SEK 53,818,011. The foundation's assets at year-end amounted to SEK 2,183,684,087.
The Board of Directors consisted of Bengt Sjöberg, Chairman, Ingemar Sjöberg, Vice-chairman, Joachim Sjöberg, Michelle Sjöberg, Annika Espander, Göran K. Hansson and Ola Johannesson, Sec.
The donor Bengt Sjöberg passed away on January 17, 2017 and was succeeded as chairman by Ingemar Sjöberg. As new members, Bengt Westermark and Sofia Holmström was elected in February.
During the year, six protokolled Board meetings were held except informal contacts. The foundation has not had any staff.