Stora Kornö
Stora Kornö


The donor’s, Bengt Sjöberg’s, desire to “make a difference” for Swedish cancer research is the basis for the development of the Sjöberg Foundation’s activities that has been driven by the Board.
The Sjöberg Foundation’s main focus has been to award research grants for patient-related research. The patient perspective has been in focus. To improve research opportunities, grants have been awarded since 2017 for the construction of biobanks for lung cancer, our deadliest form of cancer. In order to improve the opportunities for individualised care with patient influence, support has been given to the development of individual patient overviews, IPÖ. This provides the opportunity for new ways of working at the clinics.
Since 2017, the foundation has had an annual routine for awarding research grants to researchers at Swedish universities and colleges.
The Board decides which universities/colleges are to be invited to submit project proposals for the current year. The selection is based on an assessment of which research should be supported and which universities/colleges conduct similar research of sufficient scope and quality.
Submitted project proposals and project applications are evaluated by the scientific advisory board of the Foundation. Assessments are made as:

  • relevance to the foundation’s purpose,
  • cancer relevance,
  • patient benefit, in terms of time,
  • scientific quality;
  • degree of innovation/originality,
  • feasibility and
  • the quality of the research team.


The donor, Bengt Sjöberg’s, expressed desire was to “make a difference” for cancer patients. This was to be done in the form of investments in disadvantaged areas where patients were particularly vulnerable due to the lack of effective medicines or the costs being too high. A possible solution that was highlighted was to research drugs in the field of alternative medicine, but also to be able to use drugs already approved for other diseases, in cases where they are also effective against cancer (repurposing).
Both preventive efforts and palliative care were areas that Bengt Sjöberg also wanted to support.

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