SEK 81 million allocated to universities
This year’s application round resulted in grants for sixteen projects, where both KI and the University of Gothenburg stood out with six selected projects each.
This year’s application round resulted in grants for sixteen projects, where both KI and the University of Gothenburg stood out with six selected projects each.
This year’s Sjöberg Prize of one million dollars goes to Catherine J. Wu, Dana-Faber Cancer Institute, Boston, for her discoveries concerning tumor neoantigen and the body’s immune response to tumor cells as a basis for the development of cancer vaccines.
For the first three years, SEK 105 million has been granted for five projects following evaluation by international experts. After evaluation of the projects and presentation of plans for the continuation of the projects, a decision will be made on continued funding.
The foundation is announcing research projects for up to SEK 500 million.
The call concerns broad initiatives in different cancer research areas with collaboration between different Swedish research institutions, possibly supplemented by international experts. Each project will be awarded a grant of a maximum of SEK 10 million per year for a maximum of 10 years. More information can be found under the tab “Flagships”.
This year’s Sjöberg Prize of one million dollars goes to the chemist, Professor Kevan Shokat, University of California, USA, who became the first in the world to succeed in inhibiting one of the mutated proteins that causes the most cancers. A major scientific breakthrough that could lead to the development of new cancer drugs.
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