Stora Kornö
Stora Kornö


The purpose of the call for the flagship projects was to enable large-scale long-term cancer research projects where the leading Swedish researchers in each field could collaborate to achieve the best possible results. The areas covered by the call were as follows:

  • The next generation of cancer treatments
  • (e.g. combination treatments, cell therapies, etc.)
  • Understanding of and measures against cancer treatment resistance.
  • Early detection of cancer
  • Locally advanced disease and remote metastasis, underlying causes and treatment
  • Any area of cancer treatment (which does not fit within the above areas)


A maximum of SEK 10 million per year for a maximum of 10 years could be applied for. Initially, funds were granted for 3 years. During year 3, evaluation of each project will take place with regard to the results achieved in relation to the established plans and the status of international cancer research. Decisions on continued funding and evaluation dates are adapted to the assessments made of the various research projects with regard to achieved results and project plans.

Any area of cancer treatment would provide the opportunity to design projects in the best way that take advantage of the valuable properties that have been built up in Swedish cancer research.

The projects were to be at the top international level with broad interdisciplinary initiatives in each area and involve collaboration between different colleges/universities. International researchers were also involved in the projects, even though the focus was to promote and strengthen Swedish research.

The application process was divided into two stages, in which a project proposal was submitted and assessed by the Sjöberg Foundation’s Scientific Council, which selected the proposals for grant applications that were deemed to be of the highest quality in various respects but also reasonable in terms of resources with regard to the situation at Swedish universities and colleges. In step two, the grant applications were detailed and submitted to the foundation. These grant applications were assessed, and further project evaluations will be assessed, by well-qualified international experts.

The project proposals would cover all stages up to and including clinical trials.

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