During the year, the foundation consisted of the board, the investment board and the scientific board.
During the year, an IT system was introduced for handling applications. By abolishing the restrictions on the education institutions, as many as 140 project proposals were received this year, of which 26 were selected for full applications. Of these, 14 were selected for project grants totalling SEK 50,600,000. Details can be found under the tab “Grants”.
The network project, Partnership for Precision Medicine in Cancer, has been delayed in terms of sample collection pending the receipt of ethical permits, while patient summaries have been developed as planned.
Like the previous year, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences nominated recipients of the Sjöberg Prize. Details can be found in the tab “The Sjöberg prize”.
The management income for the year amounts to SEK 42,592,757. The foundation’s assets at the end of the year amounted to SEK 2,917,526,429.¨
During the year, the Board has consisted of Ingemar Sjöberg, Chair., Sofia Holmström, Secr., Michelle Sjöberg, Michael Sjöberg and Ola Johannesson.
During the year, the foundation held six minuted meetings.
The foundation has not had any employed staff.