During the year, the Board developed routines for processing grant applications and initiated the network project decided in 2016 for cooperation between cancer research institutions focused on precision diagnostics. As part of this work is the development of routines for patient reviews for initially lung cancer patients. Patient reviews should provide support in patient care but also be the basis for unidentified research information.
In addition to contributions to the network project, grant applications have been processed and grants have been awarded to five research projects in lung cancer for the years 2018 – 2020. The applications have been evaluated by a Nordic Scientific Board.
The Royal Academy of Sciences appointed lauretes and awarded the International Sjöberg Prize, which is funded by The Sjöberg Foundation. Details are shown in the “The Sjöberg prize” tab.
The management income for the year amounts to SEK 71 405 439. The foundation’s assets at the end of the year amounted to SEK 2,518,867,442.
The donor Bengt Sjöberg passed away on January 17, 2017, and was succeeded as chairman by Ingemar Sjöberg. As new members of the board, Bengt Westermark and Sofia Holmström was elected in February. Annika Espander resigned from the board in May 2017.
The Board of Directors consisted of Ingemar Sjöberg, Chairman, Joachim Sjöberg, Michelle Sjöberg, Göran K. Hansson, Sofia Holmström, Ola Johannesson, Sec. and Bengt Westermark.