Annual Report 2016

Annual Report 2016

During the year, the Board has worked to build contacts with the research community and lay the direction for the coming years. Based on advice from leading cancer scientists, the Board has worked with guidelines for establishing a network between cancer research institutions focused on precision diagnosis in initially the lung cancer area and supporting patient data registers for care and research.
During the year an agreement has been concluded with the Royal Academy of Sciences to designate laureates and to award the international Sjöberg Prize, which is funded by The Sjöberg Foundation.
The management result for the year amounts to SEK 53,818,011. The foundation’s assets at year-end amounted to SEK 2,183,684,087.
The Board of Directors consisted of Bengt Sjöberg, Chairman, Ingemar Sjöberg, Vice-chairman, Joachim Sjöberg, Michelle Sjöberg, Annika Espander, Göran K. Hansson and Ola Johannesson, Sec.
The donor Bengt Sjöberg passed away on January 17, 2017 and was succeeded as chairman by Ingemar Sjöberg. As new members, Bengt Westermark and Sofia Holmström was elected in February.
During the year, six protokolled Board meetings were held except informal contacts. The foundation has not had any staff.

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